Friday, November 19, 2010

horns and honks

Typical day...on the road..

traffic jams, people crossing the road at their will and wish, bicycles trying to overtake you, cops flagging down suspected offenders, dead animals, threatening bus drivers..scenes after scenes of a drama unfolds..

but the Oscar goes to...The HONKERS!!! are in a block that is a mile long...all stuck like sardines in a can.and this smart alec ( always a male..) starts honking!!! what the hell does he want ME to do??? fly 6 feet above so he can drive past???

Again you are in a traffic light..behind 20 cars..the light turns green..and guess what?? even when the light is orange our hero starts what? does he think im settling down in that space?

Other day I was in a highway..very light traffic..a car about 10 metres behind me and nothing between us.. honking non stop...for what????

Once in Nadakkav junction, I actually got out of the car and went and yelled at this retard who was leaning on his horn despite a dozen vehicles AND a cop in  front of my car.. and he is looking at me bewildered with a look that said..'now what did I do'?...sigh

In a nutshell..people honk and honk..why?

Coz they have a horn and they SHOULD use it??
Is it a syndrome?
Is it a manifestation of some unresolved experence?
Is it a superiority complex? listen..i have a horn and its my birthright ????
Coz its freeeeeee????? Not taxable?????

Whatever..they are enough to give anyone a severe, untreatable case of road rage..and not to mention..Noise pollution!

But we can do something..charge people for every time they use the horn for NO reason ..which is like almost every time!! Calicut will be RICH! :)

anyways guys..One for the road! Cheers!!:)